Saturday, April 5, 2014

SMB's Biggest Threat is also the ACE UP YOUR SLEEVE!

"We close 85% of our deals
without ever seeing the whites of our prospects' eyes!"

If you're an executive or owner of a small-to-mid sized business then I invite you to
watch my real-life, 5-minute story to help put this article into perspective.
After, email me. I'll give you the Coles Notes Version of
building a
'Sales Tuner Dial'
for your own business.
You'll be glad you did. I guarantee it.


We FIX the following scenario ...

Regardless of the make up of your sales team - whether you have a bench full of journeymen telesales or seasoned executive-level closers - selling today, in our Post Television Age, is increasingly missing the mark for an increasing number of small-to-mid sized businesses (SMBs). Many SMBs are having their lunch eaten by entities and forces they aren't even aware of, or, conversely, they're onto this stealth digital sales intelligence movement and are looking to inflict even more pain to their competitors in the markets they serve. Which one are you?

If you're wondering, right now, if you're the one on the losing end of this equation, then "yes", it's likely you! The good news is you're not alone in having to figure this out. You're right here, right now, in the right spot and it's not too late -- as long as you listen very carefully.

QUESTION: HOW and WHY are my sales investments not producing reliable predictable sales results? 

There are TWO VERY IMPORTANT reasons.

FIRST OF ALL, in the simplest of terms, the  power has shifted. Thanks to the internet, your BUYERS have taken control of the sales process. Specifically, like no other time in history (and increasingly) your prospects are now shopping without you. Your decision makers and their buying teams are less likely to
  • be at a desk,
  • work in an office,
  • take an unsolicited cold call, or
  • have the time to talk with a complete stranger.
In addition, they're more likely to be screening their calls and only giving out their cell numbers to those 'with a need to know'. Moreover, they're no longer working a typical 8-5 work day. While they're feeling increasingly bombarded by information and overworked with professional demands (and family duties), they're also feeling increasingly empowered. And that's why the typical SMB is losing and why the A-typical SMB is repeatedly stealing their competition's lunch.

I'll give you an example. At the precise moment that your paying customers realize they have a need for what it is that you have to offer, they're no longer turning to the yellow pages, finding a vendor, calling them, and asking for a sales representative to 'call them back' and educate them on what they really need. Ahh, the good old days.

Instead, today, your paying customers and their buying committees are inevitably turning to the internet. Even if they tap into their professional network of business colleagues for ideas and pointers, inevitably they, and their buying committees, are going online to learn a little more and do a little of their own research and due diligence. At the very least, they don't want to look dumb in front of their work friends and colleagues so they want a quick refresher on the current terminology and best practices.

And that's where it all falls apart for most SMBs. They never get the chance to compete because they never get heard because their competition shuts them out! Smart executives are owning their industry internet airwaves and are digitally 'moving in on' their buyers' virtual world well in advance of their competition and feeding them compelling intelligence all along the way - they start with the pole position and they maintain that position right through to the ultimate phone call and signature. Now that's smart selling. As an executive told me recently

"We close 85% of our deals
without ever seeing the whites of our prospects' eyes!"

Your prospects and buyers are chatting with their work friends about their online findings. They're sharing their internet findings, "digital intelligence", back and forth over a new 'virtual' water cooler. The space-time-work continuum has changed forever. Buyers and prospects are forwarding YouTube links, industry articles, testimonials, emails, executive (video) interviews, best practices, analyst recommendations, white papers, blog posts, twitter bios, LinkedIn profiles, and on and on.

In a nutshell, your paying customers are turning on the internet, and collectively "thinning the herd" and, after they're 85% of the way through their buying process, inviting the TOP two-to-three vendors to compete for their business.

So, how many deals did you NOT compete in last year?

Let's have a look at reason #2.

The second reason that your sales investments are not producing reliable predictable sales results is that your competitors MAY HAVE figured things out. They may have beaten you to the punch!

I don't want to be an alarmist here but IF THIS is indeed the case, THEN depending how far ahead they are and how strong a team they have, without taking immediate AND proper action, you could be on your way to being, slowly-but-surely, driven out of business. At the very least, their success is not helping the value of your business and you seriously ought to think about a strategic sales and marketing counter-attack.

Specifically, your competition is most likely making strides on how to create sales-focused, digital content assets that automatically 'crawl the web' to find and engage their (YOUR) unknown prospects (or your installed base) in order to feature their company, products, and executive which ends up making them look cool, responsive, progressive, and full of thought-leadership. And these same digital assets digitally support their selling teams -- with compelling, preparatory, 'aim-and-fire' digital online content and associated marketing-tech. I call this 'cupid selling' in that your inside sales and telemarketing representatives now have the wherewithal to overtly or covertly send out 'love' arrows to prospects that effectively help these buyers fall in love with a company based on buy-cycle event tracking and appropriately-timed messaging and thought leadership themes.

Now realistically, most likely, these sorts of things aren't your core capabilities. So, you don't likely have a full handle on what you need or how to pull it all off. But, it's not all doom and gloom.

The good news is that you're here. In short, we fix the above scenario for our customers. Our customers can do the selling. We can help. The FIRST STEP is with you. Reach out to me. High-level. Tell me your scenario. I can help us 'cut-to-the-chase', executive-to-executive, in 12 minutes or less and we can take it from there.

It's your move! Email me now. My personal email address ... like my cell # ... superchap at gmail.

About Chapman & Associates

Our customers buy from us because we help them address the above modern-day selling scenarios. They keep buying from us because we keep them at the forefront of their appropriate internet-enabled channels and airwaves by coming up with strategy and producing compelling, current, digitally-purposed content and targeted delivery at exactly the right time. Our customers trust us because we stay on top and make sense of the latest sales and marketing-tech so they don't have to and we've done this before including growing a company to a $20M/yr business which was sold to a VC firm. Finally, we provide our service at a fixed monthly price geared to an SMB market.

Email us and learn how to put our experienced, award-winning, sales and business executives and proven marketing entrepreneurs to work for you. Put the ace up your sleeve and turn the tables!

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